On the 29th of April, 2023, Miss Philanthropy Africa Madagascar in collaboration with IORS “Intervention of relationship” Association, ‘We Move’ and “Tera Futura”, a Switzerland based Association whose focus is to defend environmental causes, carried out a Sensitization movement called “No megot”.
The aim of the sensitization movement was to educate and create awareness for preserving the environment. Through the “No megot” project they collected all the cigarette butts on the streets of the city. They further discouraged people from throwing their cigarette butts everywhere because a single cigarette butt can pollute 500 liters of water, also a cigarette butt takes 12 years to degrade which poses real danger to our environment and the planet.
It was an interesting and educational moment indeed. We appreciate IORS, We Move and Tera Futura Associations for collaborating with our Madagascar Queen and for coming up with such a unique awareness campaign.