2-Day Computer Training session with Leaders of the Village Development Committee, Sedie Ward, Botswana.

Published: June 4, 2023

Miss Philanthropy Africa Botswana was a volunteer at Queen Esther International organization, an organization that deals with girl child empowerment through the word of God and righteous living. She was one of the facilitators during a 2-day computer training session for the leaders of the Village Development Committee, Sedie Ward, Botswana.

She used her degree acquired skills on basic computers to facilitate on introduction to computers and internet. The Queen was also given an opportunity to give a motivational speech to the leaders. They further discussed issues affecting young people in their area, which includes alcohol, drug usage, school dropout, laziness, and lack of interest in empowerment programs, just to mention a few.

Finally, Queen Pearl decided to collaborate with Queen Esther International organization and the leadership of Sedie to reach out to youths in community of Sedie with solutions that might help. Watch out for upcoming programs for the youths of Sedie.

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